Make a Donation

We have the following Needs:

1. Motor bike for Outreaches

2. Bus for Operations

3. Building of Our Permanent Site

4. Bibles in Hausa, Fulfude (Fulani), Shua Aab, Gwandara and Kambari Languages. 

See Our Bank Account Information Below this Section.

When you make a donation, Kindly indicate on the narration what you are donating for or contact our admin via the email provided.

Bank Account Information:. 

Bank Name: Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB)

Account Name: YWAM Frontier Missions Ministries

Account number, (Naira): 0751977401

Account number (USD): 0834171247, 

Swift code: GTBINGLA 

Sort Code: 058203312 

Additional information:Tax related (Optional)

Corporate Registration Number: RC: 194465 SCUML: RN: SC 151417680, 


Tax identification number: 31270423-0001